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Ben Roberts-Smith tells court another soldier shot at unarmed Afghan man first
Anna Mitchelmore 2021-06-17 9:49 pm By Cindy Cameronne Sydney

Accused war criminal Ben Roberts-Smith has told a court it was “more than reasonable” for him to assume an unarmed Afghan man was a hostile insurgent because he saw another soldier shoot at the man first.

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Ben Roberts-Smith feared media would ‘intercept’ phone calls, court told
Anna Mitchelmore 2021-06-16 5:54 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

Ben Roberts-Smith used burner phones to call SAS colleagues after growing fearful that members of the media were listening into his phone calls after a series of articles were published in 2018 that accused him of war crimes and domestic violence, a court has heard.

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Roberts-Smith hired private investigator to check ex-partner had abortion, court hears
Anna Mitchelmore 2021-06-15 6:50 pm By Cindy Cameronne Sydney

Former SAS soldier Ben Roberts-Smith has told a court that he hired a private investigator to find out whether a woman who has accused him of domestic violence had an abortion and to obtain the home addresses of six SAS soldiers set to give evidence in his defamation trial.

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Victoria Cross ‘put a target on my back’, Ben Roberts-Smith tells court
Anna Mitchelmore 2021-06-11 2:58 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

War veteran Ben Roberts-Smith has said that while he was proud to have received the Victoria Cross for his actions at the 2010 battle of Tizak in Afghanistan, winning the award “put a target” on his back, with fellow soldiers seeking to undermine those they saw as tall poppies.

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Publishers win access to Ben Roberts-Smith’s medical records as defamation trial looms
Alexander Edwards 2021-06-02 9:51 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

SAS soldier Ben Roberts-Smith has lost a bid to shield his medical records from three publishers less than a week before his high-profile defamation case kicks off in the Federal Court.

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Government defeats challenge to COVID-19 ban on overseas travel
Australian Government Solicitor 2021-06-01 2:13 pm By Cindy Cameronne Sydney

A judge has thrown out a legal challenge to the Morrison government’s ban on Australians travelling overseas during COVID-19, saying that Parliament had intended to permit the government to take such “harsh” measures that may “intrude on individual rights” in an emergency.

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Ben Roberts-Smith seeks ‘covert recordings’ from publishers
Alexander Edwards 2021-05-21 7:16 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

War veteran Ben Roberts-Smith is seeking all “covert recordings” held by Nine and revealed in a number of news publications last month in which the former soldier said it was his “sole mission” to destroy the journalists behind allegedly defamatory articles accusing him of war crimes.

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Merlin Diamond creditors seek to shield rights over assets as liquidation looms
ASIC 2019-11-11 5:23 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

A group of unsecured creditors of ‘Diamond Joe’ Gutnik’s mining firm Merlin Diamonds has launched a NSW Supreme Court bid to preserve their rights over security interests in the company as the clock ticks down to its impending liquidation.

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