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Judge refuses to bar children, non-Indigenous people from PFAS settlement
Anya Poukchanski 2023-09-08 11:26 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has rejected a bid by in-fighting group members to bar children and non-Aboriginal residents in the Wreck Bay community from receiving a cut of an approved $22 million settlement over alleged PFAS contamination.

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PFAS class action judge OKs $132.7M settlement, $33M CFO
Anya Poukchanski 2023-08-25 10:38 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has blessed a $132.7 million settlement and a $33 million common fund order in a class action over toxic firefighting foam, saying he was “not vexed” by whether he had power to grant the funder’s payout despite the Full Court having reserved on the contentious issue. 

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SkyCity sets aside $45M for AUSTRAC case
AUSTRAC 2023-08-14 12:53 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

SkyCity has set aside $45 million for its legal costs and a possible penalty in AUSTRAC proceedings alleging it allowed $4 billion in suspicious transactions at its casino.

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Doctors class action won’t take precedence over union-backed cases
Catherine Gleeson 2023-07-19 11:41 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A union representing 54 junior doctors alleging they were systemically underpaid has defeated a bid by NSW Health to stay its case until the determination of a related class action on behalf of tens of thousands of medical officers. 

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Junior doctors beat back declassing bid by NSW in overtime case
Article 2023-07-14 10:33 pm By Christine Caulfield

A junior doctor representing thousands of medical officers in NSW has thwarted an application by the state to declass her group proceeding, with a judge saying a “single determination” of the issues common to all group members was the most efficient way of resolving them.

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Judge approves $450M penalty against Crown in AUSTRAC case
Allens 2023-07-11 4:51 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has approved a $450 million penalty put forward by Crown Resorts and AUSTRAC despite reservations about evidence going to the casino operator’s financial position.

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AUSTRAC’s history of agreed penalties could create a moral hazard, judge says
Allens 2023-07-11 4:02 pm By Sam Matthews

The judge asked to approve a proposed $450 million penalty in AUSTRAC’s case against Crown Resorts has questioned whether the practice of regulators settling enforcement action ahead of trial gave rise to a “moral hazard” problem.

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Judge slams AUSTRAC’s ‘misleading’ $450M penalty deal with Crown
Allens 2023-07-10 10:02 pm By Sam Matthews

A proposed interest-free payment plan for a $450 million penalty agreed to between Crown Resorts and AUSTRAC has been questioned by a judge, who said it would have “the Commonwealth of Australia act as the Crown’s banker” for two years.

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$22M PFAS class action settlement wins court OK
Anya Poukchanski 2023-06-19 4:05 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has approved a $22 million settlement in a class action on behalf of a First Nations community that alleges their land was contaminated by toxic firefighting foam at a military base in Jervis Bay, citing the “very real” risks the case would face at trial. 

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White Island volcano victims win court OK to pause Aussie suits
Amy Reid 2023-06-19 11:58 pm By Gareth Baker

A judge has granted victims of the New Zealand White Island volcano eruption the right to freeze their Australian claims so they can sue cruise operator Royal Carribean in the US state of Florida. 

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