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Holden dealers reject GM’s bleak alternate reality in class action
Andrew McRobert 2025-02-18 11:03 pm By Christine Caulfield

Holden dealers in a class action over GM’s decision to retire the brand in March 2020 have taken issue with the car maker’s counterfactual in defence, which argues the plant supplying Holden’s best-selling models would have closed anyway.

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Lead plaintiff in class action settles claim against General Motors
Andrew McRobert 2023-08-02 10:04 pm By Sam Matthews

The lead plaintiff in a class action by dealers over a decision to retire the Holden brand has settled its claim with General Motors, but is set to remain as the lead plaintiff in the case.

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GM says supply of Holden’s best-selling cars would have dried up anyway
Andrew McRobert 2023-08-01 11:33 pm By Christine Caulfield

Defending a class action by dealers over a decision to retire Holden, General Motors argues it would have been forced to close the unprofitable plant that manufactured the vehicles for the Australian market even absent the 2020 withdrawal of the iconic brand.

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‘Excessive’ costs by Nando’s top tier law firm for simple exam chopped by 72%
Andrew McRobert 2023-04-27 11:16 pm By Christine Caulfield

The costs billed by Nando’s Australia’s law firm for work on a “straightforward” judgment debtor examination of a franchisee — totalling almost a fifth of the debt — have been slashed, with a court finding the costs manifestly excessive.

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7-Eleven class action funder to appeal denial of CFO
7-Eleven 2023-03-06 4:52 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has approved a $12 million payment to the funder of two franchisee class actions against 7-Eleven, even as the funder plans to appeal a decision rejecting its bid for a common fund order for a $24.5 million commission.

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7-Eleven class action judge says CFOs never available, slashes funder’s payout
7-Eleven 2023-02-14 10:30 am By Cindy Cameronne

The High Court killed off all common fund orders, not just the kind sought at the start of a class action, a judge has said as he cut in half the payout for a litigation funder bankrolling two franchisee class actions against 7-Eleven.

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Directed Electronics wins suit over ‘reprehensible’ theft by ex-manager
Adrian Ryan 2022-11-25 10:42 pm By Sam Matthews

Automotive electronics company Directed Electronics has largely prevailed in a five-year-old lawsuit alleging a former manager misappropriated company information and reaped $3.6 million in commissions through a secret side agreement with South Korean giant Hanhwa.

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Funder backing multiple cases against Deloitte can’t access docs in Noumi class action
Accounting 2022-07-25 11:35 pm By Sam Matthews

Deloitte has won its bid to keep confidential documents away from the funder backing a consolidated shareholder class against food company Noumi which alleges the auditor was complicit in misleading the market.

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Barrister cites finding that PwC used ‘postbox’ lawyer in Noumi class action privilege spat
Accounting 2022-07-19 4:18 pm By Sam Matthews

A fight over a global privilege claim by Noumi has been foreshadowed in a consolidated shareholder class action against the food company, formerly Freedom Foods.

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7-Eleven class action law firm’s billing practice ‘troubling’, court hears
7-Eleven 2022-05-13 9:46 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge overseeing two franchisee class actions against 7-Eleven that settled for $98 million has been urged to cut the payout to the law firm running the cases because it had a “troubling” practice of deferring its fees.

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