Allowing former senior barrister Norman O’Bryan to reopen his defence in the Banksia class action while “avoiding the witness box” was clearly prejudicial, and futile to boot, a judge has said in his reasons for refusing the silk’s last-minute application.
Once high-flying barrister Norman O’Bryan might seek to challenge a refusal by the judge overseeing the Banksia class action to revisit his abandoned defence and accept into evidence a document he claims proved he did not secretly hold shares in the funder behind the case.
Barrister Norman O’Bryan SC has failed in his last-ditch bid to reopen his defence in the Banksia class action to submit evidence he says shows he did not retain an interest in the litigation funder behind the case.
Grain handling group Viterra has been denied a post-hearing bid to reopen a lawsuit brought by Cargill Australia over its $420 million acquisition of Joe White, with a judge finding the application would lead to “substantial disruption and delay”.
The judge overseeing the marathon trial between agricultural giants Cargill and Viterra over the $420 million sale of malt producer Joe White has shot down objections to both parties’ expert reports related to whether it was common industry practice to cheat customers by failing to comply with contract details and providing misleading malt test results.
Agricultural giant Cargill has been ordered to hand over documents to Glencore regarding its use of an unauthorised type of barley before and after its $420 million acquisition of malt producer Joe White.
A judge has granted Cargill Australia’s request to call a King & Wood Mallesons solicitor that represented Viterra as a witness in the epic trial over the $420 million sale of Viterra’s Joe White business to Cargill in 2013.
Viterra is blaming several former employees for representations made about malt quality in the lead-up to the $420 million sale of its Joe White business to Cargill Australia in 2013.