An IP Australia delegate has rejected German drug maker Ever Neuro Pharma’s claim that extensive experimental evidence was needed to prove the usefulness of a Parkinson’s drug developed by UK-based Britannia Pharmaceuticals.
A unit of Suncorp Group has reached an in-principle settlement in a class action over alleged conflicted remuneration on the first day of an expected 25-day trial.
A judge has found that Uniden infringed rival GME’s design patent for a handheld radio, derailing the company’s plan for an Australian launch of two products.
A former manager at the NSW Roads and Maritime Services awarded over $12.2 million in government contracts to two companies owned by his friends, the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption has found.
Actor Craig McLachlan has dropped his defamation suit against the ABC, Fairfax and actress Christie Whelan Browne mid-trial just as the defence was due to start its case.
Mills Oakley has picked up a leading dispute resolution lawyer from Thomson Geer to join the firm’s not-for-profit team as partner.
A long-running class action over the Opal Tower disaster has settled, along with two related cases over the defective building, as a five-week trial was set to begin.
Shine Lawyers has beaten out class action rival Piper Alderman in a battle to lead a class action worth up to $463 million against collapsed wealth managers Dixon Advisory, with a judge finding the firm’s no win, no fee model was likely to result in a greater return to group members.
Regenerative medicine company Mesoblast is facing another class action over claims it misled shareholders about the potential application of a developmental stem cell product to treat terminally ill children.
The state of Victoria has asked a court to strike out a class action alleging lapses in its hotel quarantine program caused businesses to suffer losses when stage three and four COVID-19 restrictions were put in place between July and August 2020.