Dozens of Macquarie advisers who previously won a $330,000 payday against the bank have been ordered back to court for a rehearing of their long-running case over employment entitlements.
Independent MP Monique Ryan’s chief of staff Sally Rugg will extend mediation talks with the politician and the Commonwealth, with the parties optimistic they can resolve Rugg’s Fair Work lawsuit out of court.
Australia’s largest private health insurer Medibank has flagged an application to stay a landmark data breach class action filed in the Federal Court, as another law firm mulls a class action over the massive breach.
GetSwift has been hit with a $15M penalty and several of its directors have been slapped with substantial penalties after the company was found to have misled shareholders in breach of the Corporations Act.
Hall & Wilcox has lured a Baker & McKenzie veteran and renewables specialist to lead its Sydney finance practice.
A local court magistrate showed apprehended bias by not allowing a self-represented plaintiff to take notes during cross-examination, a judge has found.
Pitcher Partners has failed to stay a Federal Court suit alleging the accounting firm failed to properly advise former Zap Fitness owner Bective Enterprises on a troubled share buy-back scheme, in light of a Supreme Court bid by another key player to shut the case down.
The Sydney Flames has secured an expedited hearing in a Fair Work case filed by basketball great and former head coach Shane Heal.
The applicants in a consolidated investor class action against Blue Sky Alternative Investments and auditor EY will be applying for a so-called solicitors common fund order, and will move to transfer the case to the contingency-fee friendly Victoria Supreme Court if the groundbreaking application fails.
The law firm running the Montara oil spill class action, which has settled for $192.5 million, is looking for a new lead applicant after the first one defected over concerns group members would lose half the settlement amount to legal costs and a funding commission.