The High Court has unanimously dismissed an appeal by Qantas over its decision to outsource its 1,700-strong ground crew at the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, finding that employers are prohibited from taking adverse action in relation to existing as well as future rights.
While the use of artificial intelligence is becoming more commonplace in law firms, it has not yet transformed the practice of law, with lawyers reporting that concerns about privacy, reliability, and liability mean the application of AI remains limited.
A battle with the competition regulator over the proposed ANZ, Suncorp tie-up has begun, with the first clash involving a group of rival lenders that want their submissions to the ACCC kept under lock and key.
A class action against SA Power over a 2019 bushfire in the Adelaide Hills has dodged the energy company’s belated bid for security.
A judge has thrown out a contempt motion brought by the owner of the Illawarra Hawks against the landlady of his $15,000 per week apartment, finding the woman did not commit criminal contempt by failing to remove personal items, including porcelain dolls, which were stored at the premises.
A solicitor who sought to frustrate a legal complaint body’s investigation into correspondence sent on his firm’s letterhead is not fit to practice, a state tribunal has found.
Clifford Chance has snagged an M&A partner from Herbert Smith Freehills to join its growing corporate practice.
Former soldier Ben Roberts-Smith and Seven Network, which funded his defamation case, have asked for the Full Federal Court to weigh in on appeals against a decision requiring the production of thousands of emails passing between them, which the broadcaster said has implications for all funded proceedings.
Direct bank Members Equity has pleaded guilty to criminal charges over misleading representations to customers, but a judge has questioned the bank’s submissions in favour of a low penalty, noting it was only “happenstance” that a systems glitch didn’t lead to worse outcomes for customers.
The corporate regulator has filed a suit against fintech giant PayPal over a term in its contracts with small businesses that sets a deadline for complaints about excess fees.