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BNY Mellon unit convicted in first criminal case over handling of client money
ASIC 2020-08-05 10:32 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Bank of New York Mellon unit Pershing has become the first company in Australia to be convicted of criminal charges for breaching regulations requiring AFSL licensees to keep client money in separate bank accounts.

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Mom behind viral bullying video hits Daily Telegraph publisher with defamation lawsuit
Centennial Lawyers 2020-08-05 3:46 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

An Australian mother who posted a viral video of her son, who suffers from achondroplasia dwarfism, following a bullying incident has hit the Daily Telegraph’s publisher with a defamation lawsuit over a reporter’s retweet of conspiracy theories that the video was a fake.

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ACCC takes Sumo Power to court for alleged pricing bait and switch
ACCC 2020-08-05 1:21 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has initiated proceedings against Victorian electric utility Sumo Power for allegedly luring customers with the promise of discounts and low rates only to jack up their prices months later.

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Gilbert + Tobin faces appeal by Sydney businessman Charif Kazal
Aitken Lawyers 2020-08-03 1:09 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

Sydney businessmen Charif and Tarek Kazal have appealed a ruling that found their claims against Gilbert + Tobin over an alleged dishonest scheme to rob them of a 50 per cent stake in a lucrative Sydney waste facility were “fundamentally incoherent”.

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‘Extraordinary circumstances’: ACCC blesses Rex’s ongoing coordination with Qantas, Virgin
ACCC 2020-07-30 3:40 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has extended an authorisation allowing Regional Express to coordinate with Qantas and Virgin on certain regional routines during the coronavirus pandemic. The airlines won interim authorisation from the competition regulator in March to coordinate flight schedules and share revenue on what the ACCC called ten important regional routes. Under…

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ACCC loses appeal in TPG ‘prepayment’ case
ACCC 2020-07-30 3:13 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has come up short in its challenge to a ruling that dismissed its case against TPG over contract terms that allowed the internet provider to keep customers’ unused prepaid funds on phone or internet plans.

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Law firm to drop class action against Pitcher Partners over Slater and Gordon audits
Arnold Bloch Leibler 2020-07-30 2:27 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

The law firm behind a long-running class action against Pitcher Partners over its auditing of Slater and Gordon is seeking court approval to drop the case, leaving the funder that bankrolled the proceeding to defend an application for indemnity costs.

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Funder’s fees put in context
Class Actions 2020-07-29 10:20 am By Cat Fredenburgh

The Murray Goulburn class action has been cited repeatedly in the current parliamentary inquiry into class actions and litigation funding. For some, the return generated by Omni Bridgeway, which funded the action, is Exhibit A in the case that litigation funders make too much money. To others – including the one person in the best position to judge – it is nothing of the sort, says Clive Bowman of Omni Bridgeway.

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Romeo’s hit with underpayments class action
Adero Law 2020-07-28 2:42 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

Supermarket chain Romeo’s has become the latest retailer to face a class action alleging it failed to pay staff for all hours worked.

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Westpac’s anti-money laundering woes worsen
Allens 2020-07-28 1:37 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Westpac anti-money laundering compliance troubles continue to worsen, with the bank reporting an additional 365,000 incomplete or inaccurate threshold transaction reports to AUSTRAC.

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