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Directed Electronics seeks $18M from Isuzu for alleged contract, copyright breaches
Colin Golvan 2020-08-18 11:34 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

Australian auto electronics company Directed Electronics is seeking at least $18 million from truck company Isuzu for allegedly breaching a contract for the supply of a new audio visual unit and aiding a former employee’s alleged theft of company information.

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Union threatens ‘wave of class actions’ against universities for underpayments
Class Actions 2020-08-18 2:24 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

The National Tertiary Education Union has launched a class action investigation against Australia’s universities for alleged wage theft, the latest sector to be engulfed by the country’s underpayments scandal.

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Ex-Qantas worker tries again to bring discrimination case against Maurice Blackburn
Andrew Smorchevsky 2020-08-18 12:15 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

A former Qantas customer service manager has appealed a ruling blocking her from pursuing a disability discrimination case against Maurice Blackburn alleging the law firm put pressure on her to settle her workers compensation case against the airline.

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Insurers dragged into Gunns plantation class action
Agriculture 2020-08-17 3:15 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Sydney

Two insurance companies have been joined as respondents to a class action against forestry giant Gunns over the failure of six managed investment schemes for eucalyptus wood in Tasmania.

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GetSwift class action trial vacated as judge asked to recuse himself
ASIC 2020-08-13 10:15 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

The judge overseeing a shareholder class action against logistics provider GetSwift and three executives has vacated an upcoming trial date, following an application that he recuse himself from hearing the case.

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Insurance Council launches COVID-19 business interruption test case
Bret Walker 2020-08-13 4:15 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

The Insurance Council of Australia and the Australian Financial Complaints Authority have filed court proceedings that will test whether certain infectious disease exclusions in business interruption cover apply to coronavirus-related claims.

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In victory for Mondelez, High Court reverses landmark personal leave ruling
Ai Group Workplace Lawyers 2020-08-13 2:10 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Mondelez has won its High Court challenge to a ruling on the method to be used for calculating workers’ personal days.

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Andrews government may face class action over hotel quarantine
Class Actions 2020-08-13 10:36 am By Cat Fredenburgh

A class action investigation has been launched against the Victoria state government and private contractors over alleged failures in the state’s hotel quarantine program believed to be responsible for its second wave of coronavirus cases.

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QRx Pharma shareholders to get small slice of $7M class action settlement
Blake O'Connor 2020-08-11 10:18 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A former QRx Pharma director’s prediction that shareholders would not receive “anything of consequence” from a class action settlement has proven true, with only a small slice of the $7 million settlement expected to go to shareholders.

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ACCC delays decision on $3B Google, Fitbit merger
ACCC 2020-08-11 12:19 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has delayed it decision on whether to block Google’s $3 billion tie-up with fitness device company Fitbit to allow time for the European Union to investigate the proposed merger.

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