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Unilever’s case over Nivea deodorant stinks, judge finds
Allens 2019-01-04 12:08 am By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

Unilever’s allegations that consumer goods competitor Beiersdorf made misleading claims about its Nivea clinical strength deodorant products don’t pass the smell test, a judge has found.

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Teva files challenge to Boehringer inhaler capsule patent
Healthcare 2018-12-20 3:12 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Generic drug giant Teva has filed a lawsuit seeking to have German pharmaceutical company Boehringer’s patent for an inhalation capsule, which is used to deliver the active drug in its blockbuster Spiriva asthma inhaler, declared invalid.

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Judge says Zoetis horse vaccine class action fails to connect dots
Class Actions 2018-12-20 1:05 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A judge has slammed an amended pleading in a class action against Zoetis by horse owners who claim the pharmaceutical company made misleading claims about its Hendra virus drug, saying it presents an “insuperable difficulty”.

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Sanofi denied injunction in injector pen patent dispute
Healthcare 2018-12-19 11:26 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

A judge has denied Sanofi’s bid to block Alphapharm from listing its insulin injector pen on the Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme, saying Sanofi has not established a strong enough case of infringement to justify granting the injunction.

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Lawyerly holiday publishing schedule
Article 2018-12-19 10:40 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

In observance of the Christmas holiday, Lawyerly will be closed from 24 December through 4 January. We will resume regular daily publishing and newsletter distribution on Monday, 7 January. If you have any trouble accessing your Lawyerly account or wish to purchase a subscription during this time, please email

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ACCC wins access to Trivago docs over website, ad changes
Competition & Consumer Protection 2018-12-19 8:36 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

Hotel booking aggregator Trivago, which last month admitted to breaching the consumer laws over its travel accommodation rankings, has lost a bid to keep secret internal documents that detail why the company made changes to its website and rejigged its advertising.

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Telstra loses challenge to ‘Empires end’ ad ruling
Appeals 2018-12-18 11:41 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

Telstra has lost an appeal of a ruling that rival Optus’ “Empires End” advertising campaign was not misleading or deceptive.

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ACCC gets $35M boost to take on cartels
Competition & Consumer Protection 2018-12-18 4:59 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

The government has given the ACCC a $35 million shot in the arm to bring more criminal cartel cases and investigate anti-competitive conduct.

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ASIC sues AMP, Clayton Utz over fees for no service report docs
Clayton Utz 2018-12-17 12:45 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has instituted new proceedings against  AMP and its law firm Clayton Utz seeking documents related to the fees for no service investigation the law firm conducted for the wealth manager.

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United Petroleum unit appeals loss against Allianz over fire coverage
Appeals 2018-12-17 11:33 am By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

A Queensland ethanol refinery owned by United Petroleum has appealed a judge’s ruling that insurer Allianz Australia did not have to provide coverage for damage resulting from a 2016 fire.

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