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Divestiture saves $578M Bingo, Dial-a-Dump deal from trash heap
Competition & Consumer Protection 2019-02-28 12:16 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

The ACCC has signed off on waste management company Bingo’s proposed $578 million acquisition of waste collection and processing service Dial-a-Dump, with the regulator saying Bingo’s proposal to divest a waste processing facility alleviated its competition concerns.

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Kelly O’Dwyer’s challenge to firefighter EBA could cause a ‘revolution’, FWC says
Chris O'Grady 2019-02-27 11:28 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

An appeal by federal Minister for Jobs Kelly O’Dwyer for review of a decision approving an enterprise agreement she clams unlawfully discriminates against female firefighters by restricting employees from working part time could, if successful, be revolutionary, the Fair Work Commission said Wednesday.

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Funder asks High Court to take another look at $64M Banksia settlement
Appeals 2019-02-27 11:15 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

A litigation funder wants the High Court to review a court decision’s to approve a $64 million settlement in litigation over the failure of Banksia Securities while rejecting the funder’s commission and legal fees.

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Ex-PPB Advisory liquidator suspended for pilfering $800k
Restructuring & Insolvency 2019-02-27 4:35 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

A former PPB Advisory liquidator has had his licence suspended after a disciplinary committee found he acted dishonestly in transferring $800,000 from the account of a company in liquidation into a bank account he controlled.

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Judge pauses Lendlease demolition of $729M Allianz Stadium
Construction 2019-02-27 4:02 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

Construction giant Lendlease has been temporarily restrained from beginning major demolition work for the Allianz Stadium redevelopment in Sydney until a judge rules on two legal challenges to the $729 million project.

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NAB wasn’t powerless to alter credit card insurance policies, class says
Class Actions 2019-02-26 9:47 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

The lead plaintiff in a class action alleging National Australia Bank pushed worthless credit card insurance onto its customers is disputing the bank’s claims that it had no power to negotiate the terms of the policies.

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Hytera questions whether Motorola owns copyright for source code
Herbert Smith Freehills 2019-02-26 4:58 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

Hytera has challenged Motorola’s claims that it owns the copyright for the digital radio source code that’s at the centre of copyright allegations against the Chinese radio maker.

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Aft goes on the offensive, files lawsuit over new Maxigesic ads
Competition & Consumer Protection 2019-02-26 2:04 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

AFT Pharmaceuticals has filed a lawsuit seeking to pre-empt competitor Reckitt Benckiser from pursuing a lawsuit against it over recent ads for its painkiller Maxigesic.

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Unilever appeals loss over Nivea deodorant claims
Allens 2019-02-26 11:03 am By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

Unilever is not ready to put its long-running consumer case against competitor Beiersdorf to rest, filing a challenge to a ruling that Beiersdorf did not make misleading claims about its Nivea clinical strength deodorant products.

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Labor proposes ACCC post-merger reviews
Competition & Consumer Protection 2019-02-25 10:36 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

A Labor government would require the ACCC to conduct post-merger reviews to test claims made at the time the transaction was approved.

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