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Court orders winding up of Merlin Diamonds after ‘serious contraventions’ unearthed
ASIC 2020-04-01 5:02 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Sydney

A judge has ordered that Joseph ‘Diamond Joe’ Gutnik’s Merlin Diamonds be wound up after the mining company’s provisional liquidators uncovered “serious contraventions” and a “serious failure of governance”.

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ACCC approves Bunnings’ takeover of Adelaide Tools
ACCC 2020-03-31 2:25 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has found Bunnings’ $30 million takeover of Adelaide Tools and Oaklands Mower Centre would not substantially lessen competition, but warned it would closely scrutinise future moves that would further cement the hardware giant’s dominant position.

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Law firm investigates class action against opioid makers
Class Actions 2020-03-31 12:28 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

The makers or popular opioid drugs like OxyContin and Fentanyl may face a class action in Australia by consumers who allege they suffered financial loss from the addictive drugs.

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Canberra developers settle apartment owners’ class action over $6.3M in GST
Charles Colquhoun 2020-03-30 1:04 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

The developers behind the Governor Place residential complex in Canberra have reached a settlement in a class action by aparment owners seeking $6.3 million in GST payments on their units.

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ACCC to ease off compulsory exams in response to COVID-19
ACCC 2020-03-27 10:51 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission will scale back its use of certain investigatory tools, such as compulsory examinations, amid the strain on Australian businesses from the spread of COVID-19.

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ACCC allows Rex to coordinate with Qantas, Virgin on regional flights
ACCC 2020-03-27 3:44 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission will allow Regional Express to coordinate with Qantas and Virgin on certain regional routines during the coronavirus pandemic.

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CFMEU says worker tests positive for COVID-19, maintains construction an ‘essential service’
Construction 2020-03-26 3:39 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

The CFMEU said Thursday that a Melbourne construction worker had tested positive for coronavirus, but maintained its position that construction sites should be deemed an ‘essential service’ and be allowed to remain open during the pandemic.

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Rascal + Friends says rival nappy maker’s patent claims don’t hold water
Consumer Goods 2020-03-26 2:49 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

Nappy maker Rascal + Friends has brought a lawsuit seeking to invalidate a patent held by Japanese competitor Uni-Charm.

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ACCC allows coordination to address COVID-19 ventilator shortages
ACCC 2020-03-25 4:21 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has taken swift action to allow medical technology companies to coordinate on supplying ventilators, protective gear and other equipment in high demand due to the coronavirus.

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ACCC approves Coles bid for chilled meals company
ACCC 2020-03-25 1:22 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has approved Coles’ planned acquisition of chilled meals supplier Jewel, saying the sale was better for competition than the liquidation of Jewel’s assets.

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